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It failed, didn't it?. In a restaurant in Yorba Linda, California, I asked just about every member of staff what they thought. Many expressed benign indifference. Samsung owners snorted. "I don't like iPhones," a Samsung-owning server told me. "Why not?""I can't personalize them.""So do you personalize yours?""No, but I could."Was he impressed by the X? "Nothing exciting," he said. If people had heard something about Apple's event, it was that the Face ID presentation had failed. (Apple disputes this.).
"Apparently, the Apple guy looked at it and it just didn't work," one busboy told me, But it was a server, the mother of three adult children, who told me that she knew about the X and Face ID freaked her out, "I wouldn't feel safe with that, I think it's a way for them to follow us around," she said, She has an iPhone 6, She's happy with it, "My three kids all have 7s," she said, Mom added that lovecases floral art iphone x case - blue / white reviews her daughter had manipulated her 6 -- "somehow" -- so that "they" wouldn't follow her around so much..
Not a perfect X?. Not one person that I talked with waxed lyrical about the "smartphone of the future.""It was pretty much what I expected," one restaurant server said. I blame the tech press. They got too much advance information. "Would you buy it?""No. I'm happy with my 6."Indeed, a surprisingly large number of the people I spoke with had an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus and were very happy with them. Some expressed the idea that if a phone suited their needs, they weren't interested in a new one. The X wasn't, to them, different enough.
Perhaps it reflects the fact that phones really have just become lovecases floral art iphone x case - blue / white reviews utilitarian objects, Of course, in time, as the iPhone X emerges into human hands, perhaps many of the non-rich will be placed under its spell, Perhaps they'll covet it and adore paying for it in installments, My entirely non-scientific research, though, suggests that real people have no idea what all the fuss is about, They're not resentful, just faintly indifferent, It's quite refreshing, Commentary: Tim Cook says Apple doesn't make phones just for the rich, So I roamed around California and asked real, non-rich people whether the iPhone X excited them..
Look ma, no Home button. We mostly see iPhone lookalikes coming from Chinese phone makers, such as Huawei, OnePlus, Xiaomi and Oppo, but there are plenty of other brands that attract buyers by making simpler smartphones that resemble other premium phones. Slim bezels, rounded edges and similar color palettes are easier to ape than expensive hardware within. No more home button on the iPhone X also means these manufacturers no longer have to worry about including their own oblong fingerprint sensors on the front (they can go to the back).
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